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The Original Bag End Inn page for Censor the Tattoo seems to have vanished. Until I can find it again, or she reposts it or something, I've managed to capture the text of the thing. Here it is. I still think it is valid.
The Campaign to Censor the Tattoo

As pretty much everyone who hasn't been living under a rock with the bugs and fungus knows, the Fellowship of the Lord of the Rings movies got tattoos to commemorate their work on the movie. I, like other fans, was fascinated by the story, and sought out as much information as I could. To my delight, one of the things I ran across was an actual picture of this item, so I happily posted it on my fansite, along with the information I could find about where each cast member's tattoo was located.

Then, recently, I heard an interview with Dom Monaghan, where he described the tattooing as a spiritual experience, and I began to see that this was no mere drunken lark. Another interview I saw with Elijah Wood had him actually visibly angry that some in the Fellowship had chosen or been forced by pushy journalists to show their tattoo on camera, and that they had made a pact not to do so, to avoid people copying it. It became clear that we the public and the media have managed to invade something that was meant to be very personal, private and meaningful for these people. They've openly discussed it, but that they're being forced to show it on-camera really bothered me.

Immediately, I took the picture off of my site, as well as the list of the locations that I was aware of.

Obviously, the cat is well out of the bag, and the pictures and information are circulating like wildfire, so it may be too late to stop the damage. However, I want to try.

Therefore, I ask each fan and member of the media to please:

* Remove/refrain from printing all photos/drawings of the tattoo from websites and forthcoming print publications
* Remove/refrain from writing graphic descriptions of the tattoo (yes, even though everyone knows what it is)
* Remove/refrain from printing the location of any cast member's tattoo
* Refrain from asking questions about the tattoo's specific description in any interviews with cast members.
* Those journalists who have badgered cast members into displaying the tattoo are asked to print apologies

Jaded journalists and rabid fans may feel that they have ownership of these people and what they've done, but we don't. I believe in the 1st Amendment, as any writer would. As a journalist and a fan, I understand the pull to get information, and get the story. But there's something called ethics, and we've been violating them in this case. These people worked extremely hard for well over a year, leaving family and friends behind to follow Peter Jackson's amazing journey and vision. The end result has so far been nothing less than a masterpiece of artistry and talent. Let us please not let this hard work go to waste, or be ground up and spit through the Hollywood press grinder, and give these actors the privacy and respect they deserve on this issue. As Orlando Bloom has said, "The movie is for everyone else, the tattoo is for us." Let's keep it that way, shall we?


Thank you for your cooperation.

-Shawna Walls

Last Updated November 1, 2003 resqdog51@resqdog51.iwarp.com