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This is a fic I wrote for a Pern-based fan club called Telgar Weyr. How do you explain what a New Year is to someone who has no concept of time?
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What is Turnsend?
R’ki, rider of green Sherbeth and her dragon
by ResQdog51

What’s ‘Turnsend’?

"It’s a way of keeping track of when a new Turn begins."

Why would you want to know when a new Turn begins?

"Humans like to know how old things are. They use Turns to count. Turnsend lets them know that it is time to add another Turn to an age."


That’s silly.

"Yes, sometimes I think so too.... until they use it as an excuse to throw a party."

A party? Like... with Harpers? And music? And lots of people?

"Yes. Exactly."

Oh. I like Turnsend!

"I thought you might."


Last Updated August 18, 2000 resqdog51@resqdog51.iwarp.com